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  • 10:12:04 am on January 13, 2011 | Comments Off on Folders of email on my computer (Local) | # |
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    Many people keep their email inbox below quota by keeping messages in local folders on their computer. Here are some things to consider.

    1. There is no specific reason to stop using Thunderbird.
      You may continue to use Thunderbird exactly as you have been.  If it does not work as you would expect, please put in a Help Desk ticket for assistance.
    2. Is this email data that you have stored locally still critical to your position with LPS?
      Many of the messages that we have held onto in folders no longer hold any value. Perhaps you could reference the tips on this page and reduce the amount of mail to a level that can be maintained within your Zimbra inbox, eliminating the need for local folders on your computer.
    3. Should you choose to change desktop email tools (i.e. from Thunderbird to Zimbra) your local folders do not automatically come along. Only mail stored in your mailbox(es) on the server will appear in the new tool. If you find yourself in this situation you have a few options:
      1. EASY: Leave the local folders in the tool (Thunderbird, etc)  you were using before and launch that tool only when you need to access an older email message.
      2. Export the local folders into a file that can be archived to DocuShare for reference as needed.
      3. Moving your local folders from Thunderbird to Zimbra is a less than perfect solution, but it can be manageable in some circumstances.  Please submit a Helpdesk ticket for assistance.

    A statement on the importance of regular backups of data stored on your computer, including email

    In an organization the size of LPS, we see unfortunate things happen to computers all of the time. Any data kept only on your computer is at risk in the case of loss, theft, accidental damage or mechanical failure of your hard drive. Many of these events are out of your control.

    Something that is entirely in your control is the maintenance of an appropriate backup of all critical data, including your email. You can do this by keeping it in your the email box on the Zimbra server, or backing up the contents of your computer. Many email clients will allow you to “archive” your local mail to a format that could be saved in DocuShare, or burned to CDs. Refer to this article for more information, or submit a Help Desk ticket for guidance.

  • 10:11:09 am on January 13, 2011 | Comments Off on Move calendar events from Sun Convergence to Zimbra | # |
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    It is possible for you to export the data from a secondary calendar created under your name in the old (SUN) calendar system, and import that into a calendar into Zimbra.If you have the need to do this, follow the steps below, or submit a Help Desk ticket for assistance.

    Exporting Calendar Data from LPS Convergence (Sun)

    1. Login to the old LPS Convergence calendar tool and choose ‘Calendar‘ at the bottom left.
    2. Place a checkmark beside the specific calendar that you need to export.
    3. At the top pf the list of calendars, look for the icon (the last one) that drops down and offers you the choice of ‘Export.’

      Export Menu in Convergence

    4. In the Export window that pops up, make sure the appropriate calendar is selected, and select the date range of events to export.

      Be mindful of the calendar and date range selected when exporting from Convergence.

    5. Click the ‘Export‘ button. This will save an .ics file to your computer that contains the information for all of your calendar events. You will be able to import this file to Zimbra.

    Importing Calendar Data into LPS Zimbra

    1. Login to our new Zimbra email system. Click the Preferences tab along the top row.
    2. On the left side of the screen select ‘Import/Export‘.
    3. In the ‘Import’ section of the window, click the ‘Choose File‘ button. From the pop-up, select the .ics file of calendar data (on your computer) that you previously exported from Convergence.

      Choose an existing calendar as the destination for this new data, or create a new calendar to hold it.

    4. Click ‘Destination‘ to select an existing Zimbra calendar to add this imported data to, or click the ‘New‘ button at the bottom of the pop-up window to create a new calendar for the data to be added to.

    For assistance in this process, please place a Help Desk ticket.

    NOTE:  If your secondary calendar was a calendar used by other staff in your building, department or across the district (IEP calendar, Facilites Use Calendar, Club Calendar, etc) please request a resource calendar from Computing Services via a Helpdesk ticket.  Having a resource calendar created allows the calendar to belong to the building or department instead of an individual.  We can make one or many people administrator(s) of the calendar and it can be shared with whomever you wish just like other calendars.

  • 04:52:32 pm on January 11, 2011 | Comments Off on Move Address Books from Thunderbird to Zimbra | # |
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    Export Your Address Book from Thunderbird

    Thunderbird will work with Zimbra just as it did with our previous email system.

    If you should decide to stop using Thunderbird and switch to Zimbra, you can export your Thunderbird address book into a .CSV file that can be used to populate your addressbook in Zimbra. Follow these instructions or put in a Help Desk ticket for assistance.

    1. Open Thunderbird’s Address Book
    2. Select the address book (‘Personal Address Book’ or any others you may have created) from the list on the left.
    3. Go to the Tools menu and choose Export
    4. In the window that pops up:
      1. Save As: Thunderbird-contacts.csv.
      2. Where: Desktop
      3. Format: Comma Separated
      4. Click ‘Save’
    5. Repeat this process as necessary for additional address books listed on the left (step #2), should there be any.

    NOTE: The export process from Thunderbird will NOT contain your groups or lists, just the individual contacts. If you need to maintain the integrity of groups or lists, consider selecting groups or lists one at a time (in step #2) and exporting them independently of each other. Be sure to give them good, distinguishable names when you save them to your desktop. Then when you bring them into Zimbra or any other address book tool, you can import them group-by-group and manage the “re-grouping” of them in a more orderly fashion.

    Import Your Address Book (.csv) Into Zimbra

    Following are instructions for migrating your Address Book to the LPS Zimbra server.

    1. Log into your LPS Zimbra email account and select the ‘Preferences‘ tab in the top row.
    2. Select ‘Import/Export‘ from the options on the left
    3. Click the ‘Choose File‘ button in the ‘Import’ section of the window. This will prompt you to locate the .csv file of addresses that you exported from Thunderbird.
    4. Change the Type: drop-down to Thunderbird Contacts
    5. Destination should already be set to Contacts
    6. Click Import
    7. You will now find your Thunderbird contacts inside your Zimbra Addressbook.
      Note:  Thunderbird and Zimbra do not stay in sync.  If you go back into Thunderbird and make changes to your Addressbook, it will not update Zimbra.

  • 04:03:00 pm on January 6, 2011 | Comments Off on Trash: Gone in 30 Days | # |
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    We are aware that in the past, many of you used the Trash to store email messages that you had viewed, and were not sure if you wanted to view again in the future. This is a practice that will need to change. In Zimbra, messages placed in the Trash will automatically be deleted after 30 days. You will need to develop a practice of storing your messages in a folder other than the Trash if you intend to view them again in the future.

  • 01:35:12 pm on November 16, 2010 | Comments Off on The American Dream | # |

    Rousseau’s building-wide theme this year is “Hopes and Dreams.” Listen as a few of our students talk about what “The American Dream” means to them!

    The American Dream

  • 12:54:26 pm on October 25, 2010 | Comments Off on Principal’s Notepad: October 2010 | # |

    Dear Rousseau Families,

    This week, Project TRUST (Teaching and Reaching Using Students and Theater) from Lincoln High School presented their award-winning sexual abuse prevention program “TOUCH” to our students. This is the same theater group that presented the “Be Nice” bully prevention program at Rousseau School 2 years ago.    The “Touch” personal body safety program has been a favorite within Lincoln elementary schools for the past 17 years.

    The highly energetic and entertaining TOUCH program talks with children about the continuum of touch we may experience: touch that is safe and good, touch that is confusing or embarrassing, and touch that is not ok with us because it leaves us feeling hurt or bad or scared. The show ends by talking about safe good touch again, thereby completing the continuum.

    TOUCH uses high school students as actors and a professional in the field of child development and sexual abuse prevention as the moderator.

    The interactive nature of the TOUCH program gives children the opportunity to rehearse responses to uncomfortable situations and provides a supportive environment for children to learn to say no to touch that they don’t like, to get away, and to tell someone.

    A follow-up activity guide is included in your child’s Friday Folder materials today. Please feel free to contact me, Rousseau School counselor Kelly Thieman, or the program’s director, Susan Letheby, at 476-2424 if you have any questions or would like further information about how to talk with your child about this important subject.

    Have a wonderful and safe fall break!

    Most sincerely,

    Sue Braun

  • 08:04:38 am on October 6, 2010 | Comments Off on Rousseau Website Updates | # |

    You likely noticed that the Rousseau website went through some big changes over the past summer, but the updates did not stop there! This month there have been some significant additions to the site aimed at offering as much timely and useful information to parents as possible.

    • Staff: The staff page has been reconfigured and many staff members have added “profiles” that tell our community a little more about them. Click on a teacher’s name to view them, or scan across to the end of their row to see if they link to any classroom or grade level websites.
    • LPS Parent Center: Along the top of the page you can now find the ‘LPS Parent Center’, which contains quick access to many of the LPS resources useful to parents like Forms, District news, and various student services.
    • Sidebar: Links have been added to the sidebar of most pages that connect you with student meal purchasing, LPS’Pedia, school newsletters and other frequently accessed information.

  • 09:01:29 am on September 21, 2010 | Comments Off on Transportation Safety Reminders | # |


    School policy recommends that only students in grades 4 and 5 be permitted to ride bicycles to school. Students are expected to follow correct safety practices and are asked to walk their bicycles on school grounds. Racks are provided on the northeast side of the school. Please lock them up on the side nearest to the school so people can easily walk on the sidewalks. Bicycle locks are highly encouraged along with bike helmets.


    Parents who walk their children up should wait for the crosswalk guard to signal for them to cross.


    Children should ONLY enter and exit from two cars in front of or two cars behind the marked crosswalk in the drive through. Children should avoid walking between parked cars. If parents need to get out of cars, please pull over to the curb or parking space. Having students ready to exit the car immediately will keep traffic moving.

  • 08:55:08 am on September 21, 2010 | Comments Off on Upcoming: September 20 – October 1 | # |


    • 27 DI Skate Party 6-8 PM
    • 27 PTO After School Classes Begin
    • 28 PLC Early Dismissal at 2:18 PM

  • 07:16:22 am on September 16, 2010 | Comments Off on 4th Grade at Spring Creek Prairie | # |

    The 4th grade recently spent a day at Spring Creek Prairie on a field trip. Thanks again to our parent volunteers for spending the day with us!

    • Mr. Baker
    • Mrs. Swearingen
    • Mr. Schlueter
    • Mr. Kohl

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