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  • 12:05:52 pm on February 19, 2011 | # | Comments Off on Monday, February 21st through Wednesday, February 23rd

    IED – Complete the following activities:

    • English/Metric Linear Measurements
    • Lego Block

    In order to complete the Lego Block activity, you will need to get a dial caliper and a plastic lego block from the instructor. Both need to be returned at the end of class.

    The activities can be downloaded HERE and HERE, but will be handed out to you as well. If you need the PowerPoints given in class, they can be downloaded HERE and HERE.

    Furniture – Use AutoCAD to copy the given drawing into the computer, and then must design a new back that replaces the vertical spindles.

    The drawing can be downloaded HERE.

    Architecture – Use Sketchup to model a residence you are very familiar with (house, apartment, etc.). The model should include all windows, doors, furniture, appliances, etc. to the best of your ability. Try to include color schemes, and as many materials as possible, i.e. brick, carpet, etc.

    The model does not necessarily need to include exterior features, unless you finish early.

    Intro to Woods – Complete the activity Career Research Project. Directions can be downloaded HERE.