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  • 04:02:30 pm on January 6, 2011 | # | Comments Off on Thursday, January 6, 2011

    Good Afternoon!

    Today in writing we continued to work on our personal essays that will be turned in for the process writing grade.  I have had a conference with every student up until this point, now I am leaving the option open to the students to come conference me!  The students have taken full advantage of this, in fact I have a list started of who wants to conference!

    In Reading we went over a worksheet regarding the directions the townspeople and giant of Barletta had to follow in the story.  Once again we talked about how important it is to follow directions IN ORDER!  We also talked more about important text questions.  These are questions the students can ask from the book and you can find the answer in the book.  One important thing to remember is that we don’t want to ask “yes or no questions.”  We will take our selection test over this story tomorrow!

    We also talked more about multiple meaning words and choosing the right definition to go along with those words.  I gave students the definition of a word and a sentence that has the word in it.  Then the students had to use context clues to determine which meaning of the word is correct.  This is difficult for them and they need practice!  Tonight, look for a dictionary definition that has more than one meaning.  Then give your child a sentence that includes that word and have them identify the meaning.

    Using commas when directly addressing someone was also something we learned today.  The students learned that if you address a person at the beginning of a sentence, you put a comma after the name (ex.  Miss Chaput, you are a strange teacher because you dance around the room.).  If you address a person in the middle of the sentence, you put a comma before and after the name (ex.  You are a strange teacher, Miss Chaput, because you dance around the room.).  If you address a person at the end of the sentence, a comma goes before the name (You are a strange teacher because you dance around the room, Miss Chaput.).  Talk with your child about this tonight.  Ask them, if you address someone at the beginning of a sentence, where does the comma go?  Repeat this question substituting the different places a person can be addressed in a sentence.

    In Math we took our TEST!

    In Social Studies, we review how our body fights bacteria and viruses.  We talked about medicine, vaccines, and antibiotics.  Talk with your child tonight about vaccines (you have to have a doctor give it to you, it is sometimes a shot), antibiotics (a doctor has to prescribe it to you and you need to take it until it runs out).  We also learned about the immune system and antibodies.


    Enjoy the night!  I love Thursdays!