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  • 08:59:54 pm on June 25, 2010 | # | Comments Off on June 25 – Guadalupe

    This morning we flew to David. We decided to take a 1 hour flight as opposed to an 8 hour bus ride. Once in David we taxied another hour up into the mountain town of Guadalupe. This is the farming area and 80% of the fruits, vegetables and coffee are grown here due to the fertile volcanic soil. The flora and fauna is diverse and beautiful! I could tell we were in the RAIN forest because our taxi ride was through a thunderstorm. Even after we got to our hotel (Los Qetzales) it has continued to rain. After all, we are here during the rainy season, or to us, winter. Because it was raining we sat in the lodge and played boardgames and listened to the rain. It seems pretty amazing that teachers from Lincoln could go from spending time in a 1.3 million metropolis one day and the very next day on the edge of a rainforest! What an adventure. Tomorrow the journey continues further into the rainforest. We will go to a cabin higher up in the forest for a guided hike and birding. We will be able to many different birds (including quetzals) and plants. We will be there for two nights and sadly there is no internet. Hopefully, I can blog when we get back from this cabin.

    Miss Burkey and Mrs. Wittstruck at the Mira Flores Locks

    Breakfast at Los Quetzales Lodge