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  • 09:11:47 am on April 28, 2010 | # | Comments Off on Wednesday, April 28, 2010

    Spanish 2

    1) I marked credit for the homework assignment – Los Andes worksheet with commands and information from pp. 248-251.

    **Put your assignment in the “Tarea aquí” box.**

    2) We started to study 9.1 vocabulary in class. There is a lot so be sure to study!

    3) We watched a video about the Incas – The Incas Remembered – 30 minutes.

    **Take a video sheet from the left folders. You must come in to watch the video to receive credit.**

    4) La tarea – Finish answering Incas video questions. Study 9.1 vocabulary.

    Español 3-4 Combinado

    1) Tomamos el examen escrito de Capítulo 9.

    **Tómalo dentro de una semana.**

    2) Escribe 7-10 preguntas para Karla, una estudiante de intercambio de México. Va a hablar con nosotros el jueves.