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  • 02:38:40 pm on April 27, 2010 | # | Comments Off on Media Browser Pain

    Found something today in WordPress that is really driving me crazy. I am converting Hill Elementary to WordPress and thought I’d be clever and start by uploading all of the images that I would need to the image gallery (around 100). I figured I could then simply go to the library every time I needed an image rather than uploading over and over. The problem is that the image library doesn’t load very many images at a time, requiring a lot of paging through the images. It does allow for searching, but that is only useful if your images aren’t all titled things like IMG001.JPG, etc.

    What would I do to fix it? The easiest would be to provide an option to load more images at one time. I would happily wait for 100 images to load rather than flip through 10 smaller pages.

    WordPress 3 is on the horizon. I don’t know if this is changed in that, but I’m hoping.