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  • 03:14:38 pm on April 7, 2010 | # | Comments Off on Announcements 4-8-2010

    Announcements for Parents:

    Mickle has a team walking in the 2010 BackPack Extra Mile Walk on April 24th. We are accepting cash donations to sponsor us as we try to raise money for some of our less fortunate students and families in our great district. One family has already given $200.00 to fill a back pack with food for the whole school year for a student.

    BackPack Program sound bites from a few LPS principals:

    “We witness many grateful students and families every Friday when backpacks are distributed. But we also witness a heartbreak every Friday when there is simply not enough to go around.”

    “Some of my students come to school hungry, and leave school hungry. There are families who are getting by mostly on Ramen noodles. There are families who don’t have enough milk for their babies.”

    “Some families talk about the excitement of finding food in the backpacks that can be prepared without a stove, just in case the electricity is shut off.”

    A few stories:

    1.) Last school year when classes were canceled due to snow on the Friday before winter break, many schools contacted families to announce that the backpacks were filled and could be picked up throughout the day. Within the hour, students were already arriving at school for the backpacks, walking though snow, cold and wind – often without boots or mittens. One little girl stopped to use the school restroom and told the principal she was so happy when they got the call as it would help her family get through the weekend before the long two-week break. Another little guy stopped in the principal’s office after he picked up his backpack to take out a piece of fresh fruit and put in his own backpack. There were three other brothers in his family and he wouldn’t get any fresh fruit if he took it home.

    2.) One teenage mother who received the weekly backpack of food for her and her baby, said that if she didn’t get the backpack – she would have to quit school and work. Her mother had died, her father abandoned the family and she dreamed of being a nurse. In this case, the school principal said, the backpack provided more than food – it provided hope.

    3.) One principal remembers watching a little boy who picked up the Friday backpack and was waiting for his mother after school. He started by eating one piece of fruit, then he started eating more of the backpack contents. The principal said the little boy was so hungry, he could barely save the backpack for the weekend.

    4.) The Journal Star ran an article about the backpack program last fall, and included the story of Arazeli Murillo, a student parent who shared her appreciation for the extra food each week. When Arezeli heard that Lincoln High student parents were going to be part of the backpack program, she went to speak to other teenage parents. It was her way of giving back to the food bank for all that they have done for her.

    Here is a link to that story:

    How to Help

    Two hundred dollars can supply a student with a food-filled backpack for 34 Fridays in a school year. The cost is $5.88 a week for five meals in a backpack.

    The Food Bank of Lincoln prefers monetary donations for the BackPack Program because it buys the food wholesale.

    Make checks payable to the Food Bank of Lincoln and send them to Mickle. We will turn in all the money in one lump sum. These donations are 100% Tax-Deductible!

    For more information, call the Food Bank of Lincoln at 466-8170 or visit or call Dan Schafer at Mickle – 436-1216.

    Thank you!

    Announcements for Students:

    The University of Nebraska is offering summer science camps for you to attend. If you are interested in attending a summer science camp at UNL, ask your science teacher or counselor for more information. The deadline to submit an application for some of the camps is April 16th. One camp has a deadline of April 23rd. One camp is free, the other camps have a fee but are offering scholarships. Please take advantage of this fun opportunity. The website with information can be found at

    Art Club-Friday the 9th-art room-3:00-4:15. Mrs Gabelhouse

    Starting April 7th, sign-up materials will be available in the office for new CLC Clubs and classes, including a Forensic Science Lab class, jewelry making, backyard farming, and more! Stop by the office for sign-up info, or contact CLC with any questions.

    Attention all 8th Graders! Pershing Elementary School wants you! Pershing School is having a School Carnival on Friday, May 7th from 5-8 p.m. and is looking for volunteers to help in different areas. You can help with food, games, etc. Meals times are from 5-7 p.m., and helping in the cafeteria with the meal would include wiping off tables, serving food, etc. Volunteers will get the opportunity to eat for free if they would like. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Pershing PTO at by Friday, April 23, 2010.

    Don’t forget to order your yearbook before we run out. Room 125 before school. Still $20.

    Attention Tracksters –

    Practice begins Monday March 29th from 3 to 4:30

    8th grade – Tues / Wed / Friday

    7th grade – Mon / Thurs / Friday

    Look for the green posters around school for reminders.

    Lunar Café Breakfast Menu for Friday: Grilled Turkey Ham & Cheese Sandwich or Cold Cereal

    Lunar Café Lunch Menu for Thursday: Chicken Nuggets, Hearty Chili, Chili Dog

    Today is a “A” day and will be an Inside Day during lunch recess time.