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  • 06:36:56 pm on March 23, 2010 | # | Comments Off on March 23,2010

    Hello from Miami! We started our morning very early to meet as a team, at 3:40. That means we had to get up even before that! We drove to Omaha, then flew to Dallas, and then to Miami. Can you find these places on the map? Can you figure out how many miles I have traveled just today?
    We were able to eat at a wonderful Thai restaurant. This is the first time I have tasted Thai food. It had lots of spicy vegetables with fried rice.
    There are beautiful palm trees here. I cannot see the ocean, but we flew over it today so I know it is close by.
    You will never guess who I saw in the Omaha airport! Rachel from Pershing’s 4th grade! What a surprise!
    Tomorrow will be another busy day and we will be in Haiti!
    Good night!