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FR3 Daily Work

Madame Van Zandt will no longer post daily activities on her website. If you have any questions, please contact Madame via email: svanzand@lps.org.

Vendredi, 21.10

1. Review Vocabulaire Ch 3.1 (Quizlet)
2. Student stories – sharing (from the day before)
3. Les trois souhaits ridicules (lecture)

HW: finish activities after reading.

Jeudi, 20.10

1. Review Vocab Ch 3.1
2. Passé Simple p. 100
3. Activités p. 100-101
4. After lunch: group story writing

Mercredi, 19.10

1. Vocabulary, pages 97 and 127
2. Read pp. 96 & 97 with their partners, check for understanding.
3. Vocab bingo, have students fill out the cards and call for certain words from the teacher list.
4. After lunch: Have student try and write a small paragraph telling a magic story while using the vocab. Bring attention to using Imparfait and Passé Composé. Have volunteers read them out in class, ask what others understood. Collect their paragraphs.

FALL BREAK: LUNDI-MARDI, 17-18 octobre.

Vendredi, 14.10 FINALS

Jeudi, 13.10 FINALS

Mercredi 12.10

Review Day

Mardi, 11.10

  1. Review Packets

Lundi, 10.10

  1. Presentations “L’Impressionistes”

Vendredi, 07.10

  1. Painting
  2. Work in the computer lab (writing is due, presentation is on Monday)

Jeudi, 06.10

  1. Discuss painting (writing activity)
  2. Work in the computer lab

Mercredi, 05.10

  1. Reading – Renoir
  2. Work in the computer lab

Mardi, 04.10

  1. Research, writing in the computer lab (see Monday project)

Lundi, 03.10


  1. PPT and Notes – impressionisme-notes
  2. Impressionsime Reading – impress-packet
  3. Impressionisme Project – fr3-impressionisme-project

Vendredi, 30.09

  1. Film sum-up
  2. Work with verbs
  3. Intro to Impressionisme

Jeudi, 29.09

  1. Finish film viewing and activities

Mercredi, 28.09

  1. Summative writing
  2. Film viewing and activities

Mardi, 27.09

  1. Packet, pre-film activities: la-grande-seduction-packet

Lundi, 26.09

  1. Reading “Chroniques” p. 80-81
  2. 2. Editing Drafts
  3. Time to study la lettre de motivation

Vendredi, 23.09 

1.Révision ( conduire, futur ant., participe présent, vocabulaire)


3.Stromae – qui est-ce?

4.Travail avec les verbes

Jeudi, 22, 09

  1. Practice Test, let them complete, then go over the answers in class.
  2. Work on the motivation letter

Mercredi, 21.09

  1. La pratique: participe présent, futur antérieur
  2. Intro to Letter de Motivation

Mardi, 20.09

  1. Checked HW (Futur/Futur Antèrieur)
  2. Practiced with Present Participle
  3. Worked on CV (template found on Google Classroom)

HW: Complete 4 sentences w/ Present Participle and le CV is due on Thursday

Lundi, 19.09

  1. Ouverure – Futur Antèrieur
  2. Grammaire: Participe Présent p. 62
  3. Le CV (find template on Google Classroom)

Vendredi, 16.09

  1. La pratique avec le futur antèrieur (p. 60-61, act. 27-28)
  2. Le curriculum vitae

Jeudi, 15.09

  1. Révision Vocabulaire 2.2
  2. Futur Antérieur – futur-anterieur

Mercredi, 14.09

  1. Ouverture & Révision (Vocabulaire 2.2)
  2. Le livre, p. 58, Act. 1, 2, 3
  3. Les avantages et les incovénients de certaines professions.

HW: WS, verbs like conduire

Mardi, 13.09

  1. Kahoot, review professions
  2. Interro Ch 2.1 (formation of futur, conditionnel, vocab 2.1)
  3. Vocabulaire Ch 2.2 (see vocabulary tab)

Lundi, 12.09

  1. Révision (vocabulaire Ch 2.1, futur, conditionnel, imparfait/PC)
  2. L’interro pratique

Vendredi, 09.09

  1. Les vacances du Petit Nicolas (SEMPÉ-GOSCINNY)

Jeudi, 08.09

  1. Examen: l’écriture
  2. La pratique “Futur et Conditionnel”
  3. Le vacances du Petit Nicolas (SEMPÉ-GOSCINNY)

Mercredi, 07.09

Mardi, 06.09

  1. Book work p. 46 Act 1 & 3
  2. Finish vocabulary Exprimons-Nous p. 45
  3. Conversation practice (Answer Q’s on p. 45)
  4. Grammar: Le Futur, p. 48

Vendredi, 02.09

  1. Ouverture: PC/IMP
  2. Vocabulaire FR3 CH 2.1

HW: Étudier le vocabulaire.

Jeudi, 01.09

  1. Quiz Ch 1
  2. Writing Draft: les vacances

Mardi, 30. 08

  1. PC/IMP Review
  2. Finish reading “C’est papa qui décide” (Q’s K-P)

HW: Finish questions, and PC/IMP Guillaume le Conquerant

Lundi, 29.08

  1. PC/IMP Review
  2. PC/IMP Practice
  3. Reading (Questions I-J)

Vendredi, 26.08

  1. Collected HW (PC vs. IMP)
  2. Reading (Questions A, B, C, D, E, F)

Jeudi, 25.08

  1. Passé Composé vs. Imparfait Practice
  2. L’écriture (le résumé de “Paris, je t’aime”)
  3. La lecture “C’est papa qui décide”

Mercredi, 24.08

1. Passé Composé vs. Imparfait practice

2. Paris, je t’aime (vidéo et la feuille de travail)


Mardi, 23.08 – CH1

  1. Passé Composé (White Board Practice) + PPT
  2. Communication Interpersonnelle https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nQ7F-dlNDQNrnLk8aFJJiDBistiEiiAq8pCNkfKFNAQ/edit
  3. Révision: Imparfait (WS)

Lundi, 22.08

  1. Act 10 p 11
  2. Révisions p. 12
  3. Act 15 p. 13
  4. Verbs followed by infinitive (vouloir, pouvoir, devoir)
  5. Passé récent & Futur proche (Act 18 p 14, Act 19 p 15)

Vendredi, 19.08

  1. BW – Vocab sheet
  2. Finish Trotro writing
  3. Passé Composé – la révision (avec avoir & être)
  4. Quizlet Live – Vocab Ch 1.2 Practice

Jeudi, 18.08

  1. Present tense & Irregular Verbs
  2. Vocab p. 19
  3. Trotro part en vacances https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K1fr5wIksjeY3JwKr29EtVPEOSg9MjvMdMclc1eA-qs/edit

Mercredi, 17.08

  1. Review Adjectives
  2. Present tense 
  3. Google Classroom / Learner’s Quiz

Mardi, 16.08 (Short Day)

  1. Mme’s Intro / Speaking Activity
  2. Syllabus Classroom Expectations
  3. Survey

lundi, 15.08 – Freshman Day!