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FR1 Daily Work

Madame Van Zandt will no longer post daily activities on her website. If you have any questions, please contact Madame via email: svanzand@lps.org.

Vendredi, 21.10

  1. Practice with Vocabulary Ch 4.2 (Textbook activities)
  2. Boot verbs like “acheter”
  3. Practice giving opinion about classes.

Jeudi, 20.10

1. Review -re, -ger, -cer verbs

2. La vie d’un collègien video

3. Vocabulaire Ch 4.2 (practice with Quizlet)

Mercredi, 19.10

1. Review verbs and vocabulary (flashcards)

2. Vocabulary p. 114, have them copy it down on their Ch. 4 vocabulary sheets.

3. Do activities 4 and 5.

4. Review –re verbs on the board.

5. Do activity 9 p. 117

6. Have students work on their schedule assignment (handouts)

FALL BREAK: LUNDI-MARDI, 17-18 octobre.

Vendredi, 14.10 FINALS

Jeudi, 13.10 FINALS

Mercredi 12.10

Review Day:

1. Vocabulary – Flash Cards

2. Grammar Exercise: -er verbs, avoir, être

3. Guess Who for description

Mardi, 11.10

  1. Writing Exam
  2. Review Quizlet & Kahoot

Lundi, 10.10

  1. Speaking Examination
  2. Review Packets

Vendredi, 7.10

1. Review Ch 4.1 (QUIZ on Monday)

Jeudi, 6.10

1. Communication: Act 11 p. 117 (or speaking exam Qs)

2. Practice vocabulary and -re verbs

3. -ger/-cer verbs p. 118

4. Time to practice speaking exam

Mercredi, 5.10

1. Speaking round

2. Practice with clock (WS)

3. -RE verbs 4. Act 8, 9 p. 117

Mardi, 4.10

1. Quiz CH 3.2

2. Vocabulary CH 4.1 (pp. 112-113)

3. Act 1, 2, 3, 4 pp. 114-115

Lundi, 3.10

1. Presentations

2. Review for CH 3.2 Quiz (adjectives, family, contraction with de, possessive pronouns, to be)


Vendredi, 30.09

  1. Work on Project (see the project below)

Jeudi, 29.09

  1. Practice with posessive pronouns (Kahoot)
  2. Start project: ma-famille-project

Mercredi, 28.09

  1. Le film (Cat in Paris) and discussion

Mardi 27.09

  1. Kahoot for a review
  2. Work in the coputer lab. Please visit Google Classroom for more instruction.

HW: WS – Family tree

Lundi, 26.09

  1. Stromae – Cultural Lesson
  2. More possessive pronouns and practice
  3. screen-shot-2016-09-27-at-8-19-50-am
  4. Reading la-famille-en-france-reading-google-docs-pdf

HW: WS – Contractions with DE and possessive pronouns

Vendredi, 23.09

  1. Contractions with de
  2. Possessive pronoun
  3.  screen-shot-2016-09-27-at-8-16-22-am      screen-shot-2016-09-27-at-8-16-17-am

Jeudi, 22.09

  1. Textbook, activity 22-23, p. 92
  2. Go over vocabulary p. 93
  3. 3. Packet with adjectives, être, and family vocabulary.

HW: Finish the packet

Mercredi, 21.09

1.Ouverture – Descriptions

2.Speaking activity – description-ws-ch3

3.Writing activity – worksheet-describing-celebrities

4.Vocabulary 3.2 – fr1-ch-3-2-student-copy

Mardi, 20.09

  1. Ouverture – practice with descriptions of people
  2. Irregular Adjectives (beau, nouveau, vieux) – textbook p. 86

Lundi, 19.09

1.Ouverture – révision du vocabulaire et être

2.Reading & Writing – fr1-ch-3-1-reading

3.Quizlet pour la révision: https://quizlet.com/152015590/lsw-van-zandt-fr1-chapter-31-flash-cards/

4.Quiz Ch 2.1 (vocab & être)

5.Irregular Adjectives

Vendredi 16.09

  1. Ouverture – Être
  2. Présentations des dialogues
  3. Adjective agreement
  4. Dice game
  5. Quizlet

Jeudi, 15.09


2.Réviser le vocabulaire Ch 3.1 + plus de vocabulaire

3.Flash Cards: https://quizlet.com/152015590/lsw-van-zandt-fr1-chapter-31-flash-cards/

Mercredi 14.09

1.Ouverture – Les traductions

2.Speaking activity

3.Vocabulaire Ch 3.1

4.Skits Intro – fr1-skits

Mardi, 13.09

1.Ouverture: écriture (calendar activity)


2.La revision: avoir

3.Vérifier les devoirs (see below for WS)

4.Interro (Ch 2)

5.Intro to skits and work time – fr1-skits

Lundi, 12.09

  1. Learning centers
  2. Speaking: Say hello, Introduce yourself, Say your age, Say 2 things you like TO DO, Say 1 thing you DON’T LIKE TO DO
  3. Reading – fr1-ch2-2-reading-est-ce-que
  4. Practice test: fr1-ch2-2-pratice-test

HW: fr1-ch2-2-gram-ws

Vendredi, 09.09

  1. Review contractions with à (Book activities p. 56-57)
  2. Practice with verb conjugations (white boards)
  3. Calendar activity (calendar for October, and fill it in with the activities you will do during that month. Use your vocabulary).

HW: fr1-ch2-2-vocab-ws

Jeudi, 08.09

  1. Practice vocabulary 2.1 & 2.2
  2. Practice conjugations ove -ER verbs
  3. Contractions with à p. 56

Mercredi, 07.09

  1. Vocabulaire Ch 2.2
  2. Practice with -ER verbs

Mardi, 06.09

  1. Review: alphabet, numbers, age, avoir, conjugations
  2. Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?
  3. Questions – conversation activity
  4. Formative quiz

Vendredi, 2.09

  1. Quiz: avoir
  2. ER verbs review
  3. Vocabulary practice – FR1 Ch 2.1 Practice Test
  4. Act 15 p. 47, Act 18 p. 48, Act 1& 2, p. 66 (See below)
  5. Screen Shot 2016-09-02 at 3.13.11 PM
  6. Screen Shot 2016-09-02 at 3.13.30 PM
  7. Screen Shot 2016-09-02 at 3.13.48 PM
  8. Screen Shot 2016-09-02 at 3.13.57 PM

Jeudi, 1.09

  1. Practice with definite articles
  2. Practice with -er verbs

Mardi 30.08

  1. Finish vocabulary 2.1
  2. Review vocabulary
  3. Cultural Point: Faire la bise & Annecy Time Lapse
  4. Definite articles p. 44

HW: Yellow Packet

Lundi, 29.08

  1. Review indefinite articles (un/une/des), avoir and negation with avoir
  2. Quiz 1.2
  3. Vocabulaire 2.1

Vendredi, 30.08

  1. KYNST trip information
  2. Cultural lesson: France

Jeudi, 25.08

  1. Review Indefinite Articles
  2. Review Subject Pronouns
  3. Review AVOIR
  4. Practice with Quizlet Live
  5. Practice test Ch 1.2

Mardi, 24.08

  1. Quiz 1.1 (QUIZ 1.2 on Thursday)
  2. Practice vocabulary 1.2 & commands (WS – CGV p. 7-10)
  3. Indefinite articles (Grammar Tutor)
  4. Plural of nouns (CGV p. 11) and accents p. 22 (book)

Lundi, 22.08

  1. Review Greetings with Kahoot and WS 
  2. Vocabulary Flashcards
  3. Finish studying Vocabulary 1.2
  4. Practice Test 1.1
  5. Practice Subject Pronouns

Vendredi, 19.08 – Normal Schedule

  1. BW – Review numbers & Alphabet
  2. Speaking: say hello, introduce yourself, say your age
  3. Subject Pronouns (Make notes if you missed class)
  4. Quizlet Game to review vocabulary Ch 1.1
  5. Vocab 1.2

Jeudi, 18.08 – Normal Schedule

  1. BW – Spelling greetings
  2. Speaking:  Say hello to your neighbor and ask their name& Answer the question
  1. Numbers 1-30 & Introducing someone and age vocabulary p. 10-11 (Also Vocabulary 1.1)
  2. Speaking: Tell your age.
  3. Subjects and verbs

Mercredi, 17.08 – PLC day schedule

  1. How to Learn French Hand Out (Bien Dit 1 p. xxiii)
  2. Finish vocabulary and Review Greetings (Flashcards)
  3. Alphabet (Handout) – Spell your name to your
  4. Practice Greetings (Greetings Memory Cards)
  5. Listening (Bien Dit, Act. 2, p.7)
  6. Lab – Learning Styles/Google classroom

Mardi, 16.08  Short Day

  1. Vocabulary Ch 1.1
  2. Mme’s Intro / Speaking Activity (Comment tu t’appelles?)
  3. Syllabus / Classroom Expectations
  4. Survey

lundi, 15.08 – Freshman Day! Welcome to the Hawks Community!