August 31st – September 4th

Monday, 8/31/15
We will explore rounding rules in chemistry.
Opening Question: How do you decide where to round numbers?

Tuesday, 9/1/15
We will learn how to identify numbers as significant.
Opening Question: What is a ‘significant figure’?

Wednesday, 9/2/15
We will practice calculating with significant figures.
Opening Question: Circle the digits that are significant
a) 0.003120
b) 710,200
c) 9,000

Thursday, 9/3/15
We will learn the difference between accuracy and precision in a lab setting.
Opening Question: Perform the following calculations (report all answers in sig figs)
a) 1.31 x 203.7 =
b) 1.234 + 2 =
c) 1.0236 – 0.9 =
d) 50 / 6.3578 = 

Friday, 9/4/15
We will learn about and apply the concepts of density.
Opening Question: What is the difference between precision and accuracy?

Sneak Peek at Next Week

  • Labor Day – No School (Monday)
  • Measurement Exam (Wednesday)