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How are cochlear implants affecting the education of deaf and hard-of-hearing students?

Here are several articles which discuss the use and impact of cochlear implants in the education of deaf and hard-of-hearing students:

This article from the Florida Dept of Education examines the educational needs of students with cochlear implants.

This article by well-known researchers in deaf education, Marschark, Rhoten, and Fabich, describes the effects of cochlear implants on children’s reading and academic achievement.

In this article, two professors from Drury College in Missouri discuss the use of cochlear implants in mainstream classrooms.

Representatives from the National Association of the Deaf, and the Alexander Graham Bell Association of the Deaf discuss their views on cochlear implants.

This document from the state of Wisconsin provides a guided discussion for the IEP team in determining whether a deaf or hard-of-hearing student with a CI needs interpreting services.

Posted in Deaf Education, Deaf Studies, Educational Interpreting.

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