Fireworks, independence and resolve

My first Fourth of July in Lincoln was memorable. It is amazing to watch the investments that people make in celebrating independence, and how fast those things go up in smoke. I also thought of the spirit and resolve of those in 1776 who had to build an entire country from scratch—and I could see definite comparisons to the spirit and resolve I have seen in LPS during the last month. There are many similarities.

And though it doesn’t sound as loud as the Fourth, the noise in the Celerion building—electric drilling and hammering—is a reminder that we will soon have possession of the building and can move more of our team “home.” Those who have been scattered across the city have, perhaps, sacrificed a bit more. But their work continues. Thank you.

Strategic Planning and budget are on my mind these days as we try to complete them. Our School Board’s willingness to raise the General Fund levy to $1.05—while keeping the total levy flat compared to last year—will go a long way in helping us bridge some of our looming gaps. We have already started thinking about 2012-13 and will be watching state numbers very closely.

My two favorite times of the year have always been the first week of school and the first week of June. I guess one out of two is a pretty good average.

Thanks for all you do..
