Together, we can

This week, we spoke publicly of the first “potential” school spread instances of COVID-19. This was not unexpected as, despite our hard work with safety protocols, we are a microcosm of our community where spread seems to be increasing. I am incredibly proud of all of our staff and students who have worked tirelessly to help us conduct school during a pandemic that still carries high risk and uncertainty. But, we are all human beings who long for “normalcy” which means life without a mask or conversations within six (6) feet.

Our innate desire to fight through this challenge can sometimes lead to letting our guard down or trusting in family and friends who we believe are healthy. We have learned this is how the virus spreads and that it seems to do so easily when we least expect it. The only plan of attack we have is to strengthen our resolve to practice safe protocols within our schools and when we are outside of the school day. I know we can do this until a vaccine becomes readily and safely available.

We take it as a positive that close to 1,000 students returned to in-school from remote learning to begin the second quarter. While our teachers are doing all they can to ensure a high quality remote experience, it is likely not on par with being in the classroom which may be part of the reason for coming back. Also, some students and parents believe that our schools safer than originally thought and are more confident in attending. Our goal is to ultimately have all our students back with us but that will require a vaccine to be developed.

In conversations with colleagues around the country, our situation in Lincoln is not unique. What is unique, however, is the professional resolve we have to making the very best of a crummy situation. We will get through this together.

All Means All

Steve Joel