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es el 2 de octubre

Spanish 2

Keep reviewing for TUESDAY’s Summative


Regular -ar verbs like regatear (to bargain), alquilar (to rent), mandar (to send), ganar (to win/earn) among other -ar regular verbs.
Regular -er/-ir verbs like  correr       compartir       meter     perder       beber     escribir     recibir       comer     vender         salir
Irregular verbs like  hacer, ver, dar, ir/ser
Recognize 2. 1 vocab like el campeonato (championship), la red (net),  el partido (game), el equipo (team), estar empatado (to be tied), un deportista (sportsman), la pista (court/field), premio (prize)
Monday we will continue to review in class.

Spanish 1

Vocab quiz on Monday 2-2 vocab

Practice on in computer lab

Summative test WED over unit 2-2

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