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es el 15 de septiembre Tuesday PLC

Spanish 2

1.  Present Progressive Tense

—tell me all the things that you do and don’t do on a day off from school

2.  go over formative — retakes on Tuesday afterschool and Wednesday morning

3.   Go over HW   pg 117  reading   AND   DO pg 118 parte 4

AND do pg 120 partes 6 & 7

4.  Tarea/HW   WS pg 20 and 21

Spanish 1

Be ready to answer these questions in Spanish.

Write down any words that you need to know in your notes.

  1.  Pablo is tall and studious.
  2. Who is the athletic girl?
  3. The girls are nice.
  4. Who is the redheaded man?
  5. Mr. Gomez is an organized teacher.
  6. The woman is old.
  7. The boys are friendly/nice.
  8. Luis and José are friends.
  9. Pilar (female) is smart and nice.
  10. The students of the school are smart.
  11. After classes the students like to play sports.

go over HW from text   pg 76 parte 1 (listening) parte 2  writing  AND  pg 77 parte 3 y 4  ADJ

pg 79 reading

Take formative


WS 48/49  (likes)



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