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es el 22 de agosto

1. In the computer lab…copy and paste the paragraph below into a word document. Fill in the spots for name with a name.
2. Copy and paste this paragraph into a translation site like or or another translation site:
Hi there. What’s going on? How have you been? School just started for me, I can’t believe I am 16 years old already. I guess time flies when you’re having fun. Did I tell you that I have been seeing _________? He/She is so cool. What have you been up to over the summer? I was waiting at the Boston Pizza in town, but it totally sucked. My mom wants me to find something better. Anyway I have to run now, we should hang out on Friday.

Talk to you later
___________(your name)

3.Translate the paragraph from English to Spanish by selecting the appropriate option.
4. Copy and paste the Spanish translation into a word document. *Keep the window open with the translation, to make later steps easier.
5. Copy the Spanish translation back into the translation window.
6. Click to translate the paragraph from Spanish back to English.
7. Copy and paste the new English translation into the same word document as the spanish. Copy and past questions below (A-E) on this document and leave room to respond to them. Type your name on it and save this document to docushare or edisk. Print it.
8. Underline the words you recognize in Spanish.
9. Circle all the words that have been mistranslated or not translated at all.
10. Answer the following questions:

A. Do you think this translation was effective? Why or why not? Give two specific examples from the text.

B. Do you think using websites like is an effective tool for you to use as you learn a new language? Why or why not?

C. What specific problems did the translator encounter? What types of words or phrases did it struggle with?

D. Is there ever an appropriate time to use a translator? Why or why not?

E. Find three Spanish/English dictionary websites, not translator websites, and list them.

—–go to and practice on the book site or

******BLUE worksheet packet -do all pages up to pg 11

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