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Movie Permission Form

Dear Parents,

Throughout our study of the Holocaust and other genocides, I would like to use some clips and portions of popular movies that do a good job of presenting the issues we’re discussing.  Some of the movies are R rated.  I need your permission to show your student these movies.  When choosing the clips I will look for those that show historical accuracy and will cut out those portions that have unnecessary violence or adult content.  If you are uncomfortable with your child seeing these clips, I am more than happy to offer them an alternative assignment at that time.  LPS requires that I get your permission, in writing, to show movies with R ratings in the classroom.  Please sign below to express your wishes for your student.  Thank you for your attention to this matter and feel free to contact me at if you have any questions.



Becky McLaughlin

History of the Holocaust

Lincoln High School



___ My student has my permission to watch the videos presented in class, regardless of rating.


___ I would like to be notified of the specific movie being shown and make my decision then.  You can contact me at:



___ My student may NOT watch movies in class other than those created for educational purposes.



Parent Signature______________________________________________________

