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Third Grade Science Objectives


Embryology –  The student will be able to:

  1. explain the life cycle of a chicken.
  2. observe and understand embryo development.
  3. investigate other animals that lay eggs and their life.


Energy – The student will be able to:

  1. recognize that light travels in a straight line and can be reflected by an object (mirror).
  2. recognize that light can travel through certain materials and not others (transparent, translucent, opaque).
  3. identify ways to generate heat (friction, burning, incandescent light bulb).
  4. demonstrate that heat can flow from one object to another by conduction.
  5. identify materials that act as thermal conductors or insulators.
  6. recognize how sound is produced when objects vibrate.
  7. recognize sound can be changed by changing the rate of the vibration.

Fossils – The student will be able to:

  1. understand the processes that created some fossils.
  2. understand how scientists use fossil evidence to make inferences about an organism’s characteristics.
  3. exam fossil evidence to determine adaptations of ancient organisms.

Simple Machines – The students will be able to:

  1. understand the concepts of force and friction.
  2. describe changes in motion due to outside forces (push, pull, gravity).
  3. explain how levers make work easier.
  4. explain how wheels and axles decrease force, increase distance, and decrease friction.
  5. explain how inclined planes make work easier.
  6. explain how gear systems make work easier.
  7. design and build a simple machine that solves a problem.