
September and October have come and pretty much gone and I’m finally getting around to using this website.  You can see more pictures in the photo albums, but here are some updates of what we’ve been learning:

Kindergarten musicians have been working to develop their singing voices.  We learn songs & play singing games.  One song we learned was “teddy bear, teddy bear.”  We sing and do the motions with the song.  Then, we practice audiation, which is singing part of the song in our head and singing part out loud.

These are the pictures the kids use to remember the words:

Some of the kids… touching the ground and showing their shoes!

Another kindergarten music goal is learning to name and play lots of instruments.  This is a favorite activity of many students.  So far, they have learned the..

Rhythm Sticks


Gurio (sounds like “weero”)



Wood block

one song we sing to practice playing our instruments is “I can play an instrument”

I Can Play an Instrument  (video link)

We also play singing games to help us sing.  One game we love is “Find a friend.”  We sing to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell.”
Ashley finds a friend, Ashley finds a friend, hi-ho the dairy-o, Ashley finds a friend.  Whoever “Ashley” lands behind at the end of the song joins the chain and we end up with a whole circle of kids walking and singing around a very small circle of kids sitting.

Kindergarteners also learn what a note looks like.  They learn that notes have heads and stems and how to identify them.

Practice makes perfect


That is just a touch of what we’ve done in kindergarten music so far.  Stay tuned for more updates this year & check out the picture albums for more pictures of kindergarten musicians in action! 🙂


Hello students and families!  My name is Renee Cook and I am the new music teacher at Brownell and Norwood Park Elementary Schools.  I moved to Lincoln from Chicago one year ago when my husband started graduate school at UNL.  For the past year, I subbed in a variety of schools in LPS as well as taught private piano and voice lessons out of my home.  Although I enjoy private lessons, I am thrilled to be joining LPS as a music teacher.  I absolutely love teaching elementary school music and I can’t wait to start the school year.

I am so excited to join the Norwood Park and Brownell communities and I look forward to meeting you.  If you are ever at the school, please stop by the music room and say hi!


Renee Cook

Welcome to 5th Grade Music!

Welcome to Fifth Grade Music.  In fifth grade, we have all kinds of fun!  We sing, play instruments in ensembles, and write our own compositions.  We also study different types of music like the Blues, Jazz, Samba, Opera, and more.  We will even perform our own musical!  On this page, you will find important information about fifth grade music.

I am so excited for music with fifth grade this year and I’m looking forward to meeting each and every one of you.

Welcome to 4th Grade Music

Welcome to Fourth Grade Music.  In fourth grade, we have all kinds of fun!  Fourth graders get to learn how to play the recorder.  Each fourth grader gets to borrow their very own instrument from their school.  We also sing, play other instruments, write our own compositions, and much more.  On this page, you will find important information about fourth grade music.

I am so excited for music with fourth grade this year and I’m looking forward to meeting each and every one of you.

Welcome to 3rd Grade Music!

Welcome to Third Grade Music.  In third grade, we have all kinds of fun!  We sing, play many instruments, act out stories and songs, use rhythm reading skills to create ensembles, write our own compositions, learn to read music on a staff, and much more.  On this page, you will find important information about third grade music.

I am so excited for music with third grade this year and I’m looking forward to meeting each and every one of you.

Welcome to 2nd Grade Music!

Welcome to Second Grade Music.  In second grade, we have all kinds of fun!  We sing, play many instruments, play games with rhymes, act out stories and songs, learn how to read more complicated rhythms, write our own compositions, learn about instruments of the orchestra, and much more.  On this page, you will find important information about second grade music.

I am so excited for music with second grade this year and I’m looking forward to meeting each and every one of you.

Welcome to 1st Grade Music

Welcome to First Grade Music.  In first grade, we have all kinds of fun!  We sing, play many instruments, play games with rhymes, act out stories and songs, learn how to read rhythms, write our own compositions, and much more.  On this page, you will find important information about first grade music.

I am so excited for music with first grade this year and I’m looking forward to meeting each and every one of you.