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Monday, October 7

Today’s Learning: How did Rome go from a republic to an empire?

Warm Up: Please define republic: a government where representatives are chosen to speak on the behalf of citizens on p. 35 of your notebook. A republic is a representative democracy. The U.S. is a republic.

Class Work: Republic Notes, notebook p. 35.

Title p. 36, Rome: The Punic Wars. Then create a Cornell note-taking format on p. 36. Use the Cornell Note-Taking format to take notes as we view the video about the First Punic War. At the conclusion of viewing, use your notes to write a summary of the video. Share your summary with your table partner.

Re-read sections 1 and 2 of Rome Supplemental ReadingWhat were some problems Rome had after the Punic Wars? Write your response on p. 37 of your notebook.

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