
Terms, phrases and acronyms used at LPS

STARS – School-Based Teacher-Lead Assessment Reporting System

STARS (School-Based Teacher-Lead Assessment Reporting System) is the Nebraska state assessment system.  LPS is required by state law to adopt district standards, develop assessments to measure them, and report the results to the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE).  We report these assessment results for grades 4, 8, and 12 each school year.

AYP (adequate yearly progress) is part of the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).  We report assessment results for grades 3-8 and 12 to the NDE to meet this federal requirement.

If schools or the district don’t meet the criteria NDE sets for AYP, negative consequences occur.  These criteria include both 95% participation of students in certain groups and percent of students who are proficient.  STARS reporting includes English language arts, math, science, and  social studies.  AYP reporting only includes ELA and math.