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The Future of the Book?

The Future of the Book. from IDEO on Vimeo.

Check out this vision of the future of the book. It would be great to have something like the Nelson and Coupland versions right now; I’m not so certain about Alice. When I read I’m not looking for distractions. Your thoughts?

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2 Responses

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  1. April says

    Wow! I had no idea people were making stuff like this!
    I don’t know that I would want to read and “Alice”-type book every time I read a book, but sometimes it is kind of fun. I remember when the DaVinci Code came out and I saw there was a code game on the cover and I LOVED it! You had to go online and solve the clues.

  2. Alice Harrison says

    I really like the Nelson and Coupland readers. I agree with you concerning the Alice. When I usually read for pleasure I speed read because there’s sooo much I want to read. Interacting with the story takes a lot more time consumption.

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