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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Spanish 2

1) I marked credit for the homework assignment – the ¡Verbos, Verbos, Verbos! worksheet.

**Put your answers in the “Tarea aquí” box.**

2) We reviewed how to conjugate regular -ar/-er/-ir verbs.

3) We did a listening activity to see what a student (Carmen) does during her typical day. See pp. 22-23 in your book.

4) We started to prepare for a ¡Lotería! (Bingo-type) game we’ll be playing in class on Wednesday. (We will finish up the preparation in class on Wednesday.)

**Take a new sheet of paper and draw a large 4×4 grid. Write the names of 16 of your classmates, one name in each square of the grid. Then ask each person the question, “¿Qué haces los fines de semana?” Write only enough of their answer to be able to remember it.**

5) La tarea – 1/2-sheet “¿Qué haces?”

Part 1 – verb meanings. Choose the verb/verb phrase that best completes each sentence. You do not conjugate the verbs here. Part 2 – answer questions about what you do in certain circumstances. Part 3 – write a 6+-sentence paragraph about what you do in a typical day. You can use Carmen’s example as a guide (pp. 22-23), but be sure to make the paragraph about your typical day.

Español 3-4 Combinado

1) Marqué crédito para la tarea – la hoja de práctica con el vocabulario de 1.1.

**Pon tus respuestas en la caja de “Tarea aquí”.**

2) Encontramos a los compañeros para la Unidad 1.

3) Hablamos un poco de México, nuestro enfoque cultural para la Unidad 1. Mira las pp. 28-29 de tu libro.

4) Escuchamos la presentación de vocabulario. Mira las pp. 32-33 de tu libro.

5) Hablamos con un compañero sobre acampar, la naturaleza, etc.

6) La tarea – terminar las definiciones para 15 de las palabras de vocabulario (¡claro, en español!) Ejemplo: los fósforos – Los necesitas para encender la fogata.

7) **¡Ven después de clases para hablar y ganar tus puntos!**

Posted in Assignments.