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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Spanish 2

1) We reviewed the difference between “¿Cuánto tiempo hace que + present tense?” and “¿Cuánto tiempo hace que + past tense?” With the present tense it asks how long you have been doing something; with the past tense it asks how long AGO you DID something.

2) We went over the 3.2 QUIZ format. Our quiz will be Friday, February 6th (tomorrow)!

3) We started to read a story about “vejigantes” and worked in groups of two to draw a picture to represent the main idea in each paragraph. We will continue reading and drawing on Friday.

**Talk to me to decide how you will get credit for this activity.** You can download a copy here: Vejigantes.3.2

4) La tarea – a worksheet to practice 3.2 vocabulary and U-Stem verbs in the preterite.

**Take a copy from the left, front folder.** You can also download a PDF copy right here: 3.2-Vocab.A-Gram.B

5) COMPLETE ANY MAKE-UP WORK YOU STILL HAVE TO COMPLETE! Most importantly, did you take the 3.1 TEST? Did you present your ¡No te lo pongas! skit? These are both summative grades.

Español 3-4 Combinado

1) Marqué crédito para la tarea – la hoja de práctica con el vocabulario de 4.2 y el subjuntivo (o no) con expresiones de duda/certeza.

**Pon tus respuestas en la caja de “Tarea aquí”.**

2) Los estudiantes tomaron el examen sobre la Unidad 4.

**Habla conmigo para decidir cuándo lo vas a tomar.**

Posted in Assignments.