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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Spanish 2

1) I marked credit for the homework assignment – the worksheet with gustar and ir.

**Put your answers in the “Tarea aquí” box.**

2) We reviewed foods and how to write sentences saying what we and others like and why. Be sure you are able to do this. Examples: Me encanta la ensalada de frutas porque es dulce y natural. A mi mamá le gusta mucho el café porque tiene buen sabor.

3) We did 2 listening activities to see how we’re doing at understanding conversations. One was about descriptions of people. The other was about what people like/don’t like.

4) We went over the meanings of emotions vocabulary that is used with “estar” and “tener.”

5) La tarea – PERIOD 1 ONLY – the 1/2-sheet on ¿Cómo estás? PERIODS 4, 5, 7 – Study emotions that go with “estar” and “tener.”

6) Remember that QUIZ 2 is Thursday. It’s over pp. 10-21 in your book.

Español 3-4 Combinado

1) Marqué crédito para la tarea – la media hoja con los verbos reflexivos.

2) Practicamos el vocabulario de la Lección Preliminar con traducciones y una conversación.

3) Jugamos el juego de dados (dice) con los verbos que cambian de raíz (stem-changing verbs).

4) La tarea – una hoja de práctica con los verbos que cambian de raíz.

**Toma una copia.**

5) **¡Ven después de las clases para hablar y ganar tus puntos!**

Posted in Assignments.