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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Spanish 2

1) I marked credit for the homework assignment – the worksheet with adjectives and “ser” practice.

**Put your answers in the “Tarea aquí” box.**

2) We wrote down 2 basic questions that we need to know how to ask and answer: ¿Quién es? ¿Cómo es? (Who is that? What is he/she like?) I recommend that you write these on the back of your yellow vocabulary list.

3) We went to the computer lab to check out the class website, learn how to access the online book, and practice for our Thursday quiz over the review information on pp. 2-9 in the book.

**Take a copy of the assignment (white 1/2-sheet) from the left folders. You must follow the directions for Number 2 on the sheet, and send me your results for credit. Feel free to try all of the activities.**

4) La tarea – Study for our first quiz which will be on Thursday, August 22, over the information on pp. 2-9.

Español 3-4 Combinado

1) Los estudiantes entregaron los párrafos que escribieron sobre los compañeros que entrevistaron.

**Pon tu párrafo en la caja de “Tarea aquí”.**

2) Repasamos el uso de los verbos reflexivos.

3) Fuimos al laboratorio de computadoras.

**Toma una copia de las instrucciones (media hoja – 1/2-sheet) y síguelas.**

4) La tarea – empezar a estudiar el vocabulario de la Lección Preliminar.

**Toma una copia de las carpetas a la derecha.**

Posted in Assignments.