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Friday, November 9, 2012

Spanish 2

1) I marked credit for the homework assignment – preterite -er/-ir worksheet (says “Did You Get It?” at top)

2) We took a practice 2.1 quiz, so students could see the format for Tuesday’s 2.1 quiz.

3) We practiced asking and answering questions about what we did this past week to stay in shape.

4) We learned how to make adjectives into adverbs. Example: the adjective serio (serious) becomes seriamente (seriously) when we add -mente to the singular, feminine form of the adjective. See the Nota gramatical on p. 94.

5) We practiced the preterite and adverbs by watching the official World Cup song of 2010 in Spanish and writing 5 sentences. Example: La chica bailó locamente. (The girl danced crazily.)

**For credit – Write 5 original sentences about what people did and how they did them. More examples: Jorge hizo su tarea tristemente. (Jorge sadly did his homework.) Lionel metió un gol elegantemente. (Lionel scored a goal elegantly.) Put your sentences in the “Tarea aquí” box when you are done.**

6) La tarea – Study for the 2.1 QUIZ we’re having on Tuesday!

Español 3-4 Combinado

1) Hablamos de la semana y cómo nos fue y también hablamos de lo que vamos a hacer el fin de semana.

2) Hablamos MUCHO de los pronombres de complemento directo e indirecto. Terminamos páginas 3 y 4 de las hojas engrapadas (stapled) que recibimos el jueves.

3) Usamos las computadoras para practicar los pronombres.

**Toma una copia de la media hoja verde y ¡practica!**

4) No tenemos tarea oficial, pero nuestro examen es el viernes, 16 de noviembre.

Posted in Assignments.