All About Mrs. Muggy

Your student will tell you that I love giraffes and the color orange! If only there could be orange giraffes! 😆

I have been teaching elementary children for 12 years. My first three years were as a Special Education teacher and the rest has been as a second grade classroom teacher.

Before I became a teacher I was a florist. I love to garden and decorate. It doesn’t even need to be a special occassion!

I have been married to my husband, Tim, for 31 years! He is a principal so we have many conversations centered around education. We have 3 children. A son, Luke, who is married to Sara. A daughter, Tyne, who is married to Tom. And a daughter, Haley.

I love to travel but I particularly love any place by the ocean.

Children’s literature is a passion, hence, the reason I have 100’s of titles in my classroom library. I can’t say no to a book!

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