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Spanish 2

See me to get notes on quiz which is on Wed.   Get worksheet from the folder.

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Spanish 3

See me to get “Rules sheet”and passes.  Get verb charts from the folder and complete them.  In the book do page 10, #9.

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Spanish 2

Practice adjectives.  Get 2 papers from the folder.

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Spanish 3

Practice the vocab on page 31.

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Spanish 2

Get a verb chart and a worksheet from folder.

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Spanish 3

Check out a book from me.  Study the vocabulary on pages 9-10.  Hand in the “room” assignment from yesterday.

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Spanish 2

Get notes from a friend on “questions.  Get a worksheet from the folder.

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Spanish 2 and 3

Draw a picture of your room and your things in it.  Then write 7 sentences in Spanish describing it.

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Spanish 3

See me to do oral final.  Work on review sheet.

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Spanish 2

Review for final exam.

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