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Spanish 3

Get an imperfect verb chart and fill it out using page 63 in the book.  Make a family tree with 15-20 people and label it with the new vocab.  Write 2 sentences in the imperfect about each person.

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Spanish 2

Get a worksheet Leer A and write the 13 past tense verbs from the reading.  Then do the activities.  Write a paragraph of 7 sentences in the past about what a friend did yesterday.

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Spanish 3

Take notes from the grammar note on page 62 over saber and conocer in the preterite.  Read pages 61-62 and draw a family tree of the girl’s family.  Write out #4 on page 62.  Get a worksheet.

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Spanish 2

On page 72 do #15 – write 5 sentences in the preterite.  Get a worksheet.

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Spanish 3

Practice the vocab from 1.2 and hand in your wordsearch.

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Spanish 2

See me to take the quiz over the vocab in 1.2 and the ar preterite verbs.  Copy the verbs from page 70 onto your yellow preterite verb chart.

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Spanish 3

Make a wordsearch with 20 of the new vocab words.  Make a blank one and one with a key.  Get a worksheet.

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Spanish 2

Get a wordsearch and find the preterite verbs.  Study for the quiz on 1.2 vocab and ar preterite verbs.  The quiz is Friday.

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Spanish 3

Get a new vocab sheet and worksheet.  Read pages 58-59 and translate them.

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Spanish 2

Read pages 68 and do the video activities.  Get a worksheet.  Study for a quiz over the preterite ar verbs on Friday.

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