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Spanish 2

Read the Telehistoria on page 39 and do activities 4 and 5 on page 40.

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Spanish 3

Review for the test on chapter 1 which is tomorrow.  The project is tomorrow.

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Spanish 2

Practice the vocab and do page 38 #2 and 3 on the online textbook to practice.  Get a worksheet from the folder.

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Spanish 3

Get notes on test on chapter 1 which is on Wednesday.  Also, get a review sheet from the folder.  Work on the project which is due on Wednesday.

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Spanish 2

Read pages 36-37 and copy the blue vocabulary words and what they mean.  On page 38 do #1.

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Spanish 3

See me to take the quiz on chapter 1, segundo paso.  Work on the project and have the draft of the letter done today.  The project is due Wed, Sept 21.

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Spanish 2

See me to take the test on the preliminary unit.

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Spanish 3

Study the vocabulary of segundo paso for a quiz tomorrow.  Work on the letter part of your project.

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Spanish 2

Get review sheets from the folder.  Study for the test on the Preliminary Lesson – it is tomorrow.

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Spanish 3

Get notes on quiz on Friday.  See me about a project.  Get a worksheet from the folder.

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