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Spanish 3

Show me your organizer chart for your legend.  Now use it to start writing your legend – remember to double space.

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Spanish 2

No class today.

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Spanish 3

No class today.  Your outline of the legend is due tomorrow.

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Spanish 2

Write a story in class for the test on 4.1.

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Spanish 3

Get handouts/worksheets on the preterite/imperfect.  Fill out organizer chart.  It is due Friday.

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Spanish 2

No class today but have an idea for your story for Thursday.

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Spanish 3

No class today.  Have an idea for legend to start in class tomorrow.

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Spanish 2

Get 2 worksheets on the preterite and imperfect.  Have an idea for a story that you will write in class on Thursday.

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Spanish 3

No class today.  Get an idea to start writing a legend when you come back.

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Spanish 2

Get new notes on the preterite and imperfect.  Get 2 worksheets.

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