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Spanish 2

See Monday’s plans for periods 2 and 8.  Period 6 do computer lab sheet.

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Spanish 3

Get 3 new verb charts and conjugate the verbs using pages 10-11 as a guide.  On page 11 write out #11.

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Spanish 2

Periods 2 and 8 – Do the computer lab sheet over pages 16-20 in the online text.

Period 6 – Study pages 16-20 and do the worksheet.

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Spanish 3

See me to take the quiz over pages 2-9.  Get a worksheet and translate the sentences in each box.

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Spanish 2

Get worksheet from the folder and write 12 sentences using va a …..

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Spanish 3

Study pages 2-9 for a quiz on Friday.  Finish the reading and questions on Juanes.

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Spanish 2

Read pages 14-15 on online text.  Copy the verb ir onto your verb chart.  Also, get the new questions to know.  Get a worksheet from the folder.

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Spanish 3

Practice the irregular verb on your chart.  Read pages 6-7 and summarize in English what it says about each person.  Get a worksheet and do parts 1,2,3.

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Spanish 2

See me to take the quiz on pages 2-9.  Read pages 10-11 and make a chart with the names of the people and what they like.  Do #9-10 on page 12.

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Spanish 3

Copy the verbs on pages 8 and 9 onto your yellow verb chart.  Do the activities on pages 8 and 9 to practice these verbs.

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