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Spanish 2

Review for the test on the Preliminary unit which is tomorrow.

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Spanish 3

Get notes over test on Prelim Lesson which will be on Friday.  Practice the verbs.

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Spanish 2

Practice verbs for test on Thursday.  Paper from Monday is due tomorrow.

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Spanish 3

On page 24 do #24-25.  Get a worksheet on comparisons.

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Spanish 2

Get notes on the test over the Preliminary chapter which will be on Thursday.  Get a verb worksheet.

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Spanish 3

Read about comparisons on pages 22-23 and do activities 20 and 22.  Practice the reflexive verbs.

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Spanish 2

Practice the stem-changing verbs.  See me to take a quiz over pages 26-27.  Get a video sheet about Miami.

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Spanish 3

Get a chart from the folder and read pages 20-21 completing the chart.  On page 22 read about comparisons.  Get a worksheet.

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Spanish 2

Read the grammar point on page 28 and do #27.  Get a worksheet.

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Spanish 3

Read pages 16-17 and write 20 sentences in English saying what Jimena does during the day.  Get a worksheet from the folder.

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