Week 5 Sept 12th – 16th

  • Monday Sept 12th
    • Notes over pages 44-55 – Chapter 2 KI #1 and 2
    • Population Pyramid Activity
  • Tuesday Sept 13th
    • Population Pyramid Activity
  • Wednesday Sept 14th
    • Ecumene and Population Concentration Map Activity – DUE
    • Chapter 2 FFT KI #1 and #2 pages 44-55 – DUE
    • Quiz over pages 44-55 – Chapter 2 KI #1 and 2
    • Assign Reading KI #3 and #4 pages 56-73 – Quiz will be Thursday Sept 25th
  • Thursday Sept 15th
    • Demographic Transition Model Background
    • Demographic Transition Model Activity – Due Monday Sept 22rd
  • Friday Sept 16th (Festivus)
    • Science of Overpopulation video
    • Other Population clips
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