Busy Bees in Rousseau PE!

images-2Its beginning to look like a school again around Rousseau as teachers prepare for students’ arrival! It is quite exciting with all the buzzzz!

Now that you know who your teacher is and what classroom you’re in, be sure you check the schedule when you come to Open House on Monday to prepare for “HAPPY FEET” in PE class and on the playground. Tennis shoes (“sneakers”) are a great choice everyday of school to be able to run and play safely at recess, and even more important on PE day.

images-5I can’t wait to hear about the busy bees you were this summer with all your activities in soccer, volleyball, basketball, baseball, softball, swimming, biking, skating, climbing, golfing, hiking…wow, I’ll bet you were very busy!! Let’s carry that fun “busy-ness” right into the school year!

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