

 Take photos of students (NOT STUDENTS FROM THIS CLASS) and staff that appropriately demonstrate their particular style including clothing, hair style, accessories, tattoos, piercings, etc. The subject can be posed, HOWEVER, please avoid putting them against a wall/locker and taking a mug shot. Take the photo of them where they are, or striking some kind of relaxed/natural pose. You should have 10 photos in your Gallery, preferably 10 different people. If you take a photo of just a part of them (shoes, earrings, etc.) you must also include a head to toe shot so we can see who it is. Both photos together count as one of the 10.

Be sure to ask them to describe their style, so you can include that in the caption. You will also describe what they’re wearing, so be sure to ask questions if you are unsure about anything.


Be sure to CROP the photo to improve Composition if necessary. Observe the Rule of Thirds, and crop out any distracting elements in the photo. Don’t crop too narrowly, however, and keep some space around the person. Keep the photo basically the same shape as the original. You do NOT have to include the original for this assignment, only the cropped photo should be in the gallery.

Caption: Follow standard caption writing guidelines, except that for this one you’ll be saying that they pose for a fashion photo or that they show off or demonstrate some kind of style. In the second sentence, describe what they’re wearing.

Example: John Smith (10) poses for a fashion photo during 3rd period in the 3rd Floor East hallway. Smith is wearing jeans, a plain T-shirt, and black and white Chuck Taylor high top tennis shoes. He describes his style as “comfortable casual.”

Take at least 40 USABLE photos (this does not include the photos of room signs or student IDs).
This will be a separate grade for each assignment and will be all or nothing 25 points.

Points Possible
  Grading Criteria:
 10 Subject: The person is posed naturally. The photo shows the person’s fashion clearly. If it’s a photo of one particular part, the entire person is also pictured so we can see who it is. Head to toe shots do not cut off feet or top of head.
 10 Focus: Image is Clear, Sharp, and Not Blurry.
 40 Caption/Cutline: (All or nothing.) Person identified correctly. Caption explains what the person is wearing and where they are. If it’s a Spirit Week photo, the caption needs to identify what day it was and that the person is dressed for Spirit Week.
 10 Correctness of Exposure: Balance Exposure. Light, Dark, Mid-tones all present. Good Contrast. Not Grainy. Not too light or too dark.
 20 Composition: Cropped well/correctly. Subject Not Centered. Rule of Thirds used. Interesting Perspective. Not just put up against a wall. Feet not cut off.
 10 Newsworthy: Is the photo Journalistically Usable?
Total 100



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