Every minute DOES count!

It is no secret that I am obsessed with transition time right now. So it will come as no surprise that as I watched football this past weekend, in a corner of my mind I was still working on strategies for reducing transition time. It occurred to me, while watching the last minutes of many games unfold, that every minute DOES count. Think of the small amount of time that we consider a reasonable transition time. An entire football game can be won (or lost) in that amount of time. Many people live with regret, just wishing they had those few moments back again.

Time is a precious resource and we need to think of it that way. The last thing we want is to end another school year with regret, wondering what we could do if we just had more time.

In the words of Dylan Wiliam in response to those who say they don’t have time, “Yes you do, you’re currently spending it doing something else.” He said we need to stop spending time doing good things and instead spend them doing better things.

This could even fit into our Elliott focus statement “Every student, every opportunity…Every minute!”

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