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Me & Jack

Me & Jack by Danette Haworth is a story of a boy and his dog.  Joshua and his father, an Air Force recruiter during the Vietnam War, move to a new town because of Joshua’s dad’s job.  Joshua’s dad doesn’t want to leave him alone all day, so they get a dog at the pound.  Joshua names him Jack, and falls immediately in love with dog.  The dog, however, gets blamed for a series of attacks in the neighborhood.  Joshua must find a way to prove Jack is innocent.  There is also a storyline about two boys, one Joshua would like to be friends with, and another, who he can’t stand to be around.  They both figure prominently in the story.  This is a well written book and you really begin to feel Joshua’s desperation after his dad threatens to get rid of the dog if there are any more incidents.  I thought the ending was good and would recommend this book to anyone who fiercely loves their pet.

Posted in Animal fiction, Realistic fiction.