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October 15-Getting ready for the end of the quarter


I hope everyone had a nice break.  I was away from my computer all weekend, but I did catch up on most of my grading for the quarter.  I handed out missing work slips today, and many students turned things in.  I am going to work hard to update it again, so please keep checking Synergy.  At this point, it the missing work might not get put in on the quarter grade, but it will make it in for the semester grade.  There are several new grades that are being added for the end of the quarter, so grades may change daily.

The students have checked out myth books for their next book report.  I have not assigned the project yet, but they will not be due until the week before winter break, so they have some time to get their reading started.

Thank you for your continued support!

Posted in AMLA, PMLA.