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Assignments for the week of January 25th

Monday:  p51(1-5, 13,15)

Tuesday: p53(20,31)

Wednesday: p65(1-7)

Thursday: Review WS

Friday:  Test 2.2-2.4


Assignments for the week of January 18th

Monday:  No School

Tuesday: p40(1-4)

Wednesday: p40(5-11)

Thursday: None

Friday:  Quiz 2.2



Assignments for the week of January 11th

Monday:  Blue Design Worksheet

Tuesday: p23(1-18,21-23)

Wednesday: Practice Test

Thursday: Study for test

Friday:  Chapter 1 Test



Grading Scale:

90-100  A

85-89  B+

80-84  B

75-79%  C+

70-74%  C

65-69%  D+

60-64  D

Below 60%  F


Grades Brakedown:

Tests and Final Exam:  80%

Quizzes and Homework  20%