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Español I – 12.13.13

Took our 3.1 exam today

Posted in Español I.

Español III – 12.13.13

Took our writing final today.

Have a good weekend.

Posted in Español III.

Español I – 12.12.13

We reviewed for our Chapter 3.1 exam tomorrow.

Posted in Español I.

Español III – 12.12.13

We started the anuncio performances today.

Did some work in class that was turned in:

On a paper that I will be collecting, complete

-activities 2,3,4 on page 114 and 115.

-Read Contexto 3 pg. 105 and 106

-Answer act. 17


Writing final tomorrow.

Posted in Español III.

Español I – 12.11.13

Looked at activity 2,3 on page 160,161

Practiced more speaking for the final.

Test Friday.

Posted in Español I.

Español III – 12.11.13

Reviewed two more sections for the writing final.

We practiced our anuncios.

ANUNCIOS due tomorrow!

Posted in Español III.

Español I – 12.10.13

p5 – did practice speaking that we were behind on

-read the mini- cuento as well

P6,7 – read page 156,157 and answered questions at the bottom of the page

-received extra copies of the vocab sheets to study

-worked through more of the review questions

-discussed the idea of “martes 13” as a bad luck day versus “viernes 13”

FRIDAY = examen 3.1

Lunes = speaking, listening

Martes  = Writing

Jueves = rest of final

Posted in Español I.

Español III – 12.10.13

Worked on our anuncios today.


Friday = Writing final.

Posted in Español III.

Español I – 12.9.13

We read a mini paragraph talking about “Alejandro” el panadero” (the baker’s son)

Finished mini-speaking practice.

Discussed the last few important events:

Friday – 12/13/13 = Chapter exam over 3.1 (pink sheet)

Monday – 12/16/13 = Listening and Speaking finals (may not hit all students for the speaking will finish on Tuesday/Wednesday as necessary)

Tuesday – 12/17/13 = Writing final

Wednesday – 12/18/13 = REVIEW DAY

Thursday – 12/19/13 = Rest of the exam

Friday – 12/20/13 = Other activities in prep for the holidays.  🙂

Posted in Español I.

Español III – 12.9.13

Showed 8 sentences – for anuncio

Worked/prepped for the writing final.

Practiced commands

Prepped a bit more on the anuncio – tomorrow – you need close to your final draft of your anuncio

12/12 = anuncio due!

12/13 = writing final

12/18 = final exam

Posted in Español III.