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Classroom Expectations

Español I – Irving Middle School

Course: Español I (a high school course)

Class website:

Period: 5,6,7

Email:     (402) 436- 1217

Academic Integrity:  See Irving expectations – Student handbook.

Attendance and Tardies: Daily attendance is vital to success in the classroom since we do most of our work together! See Irving policies.

Assignments and Make-up Work:  This is equal to a high school course.  HOMEWORK IS WORTH 20% OF YOUR TOTAL GRADE.  Assignments should be completed before coming to class.  Homework is due at the beginning of the period.  Late assignments lose 10% each day (begins after the class period the assignment is due). No late assignments accepted after the chapter test.  Make-up work due to excused absences is the student’s responsibility.  Please consult the “Cuando no estabas…” folders in the classroom as well as getting missed notes from a classmate.  Also, check the class website (listed above) for further explanations.  If you are absent the day before a quiz or test, you will be expected to take it with the class.  For absences of more than 2 days, please consult with Señora Sánchez-Carrillo about a time to come in outside of class.

Bring to class each day:

Good attitude Folder or organized place for work
Writing utensil Completed homework assignments as necessary

Every day we will be using a simple, spiral notebook.  Please bring one, and it will stay in class for warm-ups, practice, and some journaling.  If you cannot acquire one, please let Señora know before the necessary date.


1.  In assigned seat and working when the bell rings.

2.  Be prepared with all materials and homework (completed before class).

3.  Respect others.

4.  Participate with a good attitude.

5.  Follow all other Irving specifications from the Student Handbook.


-Raise your hands to speak, unless an “Open forum” is indicated.

-Irving policies for hats, coats/jackets, and electronic devices  (OUT OF SIGHT AND SOUND) – will be adhered to, unless Sra. Sánchez-Carrillo expressly allows them for an activity.

-Please take care of restroom and water needs on the way to class.  Keep other requests to a minimum because we do a lot of group and partner work.  Planners must be used when leaving class and requests must be made in Spanish!!  ☺

-Others will be discussed as they arise (transitions, partners, group work, etc.)

Grades: (posted in Pinnacle)

The grading scale is the same across the district, check your planners, the website, and posters in the school.

-Grades are in 2 categories:

FORMATIVE 20% Daily homework, in-class activities, and weekly speaking activities-Need 5 speaking points/week – which count as 10.  These are earned by speaking with Sra. S, answering questions in full, grammatically correct sentences (Spanish ones, of course ☺).  Students must make up missed points due to any and all absences.
SUMMATIVE 80% Tests, (at least) 1 speaking task/chapter, written work, projects, quizzes (grammar, vocab), and noticias.

To succeed in this class:  develop good study habits, participate, ask questions, try new things, and believe in yourself.  You are responsible for memorizing the material (current and previous).  Plan on studying 10-15 minutes daily, even if there isn’t a specific assignment.

Please contact me if you ever have questions about these expectations, if you are struggling, or have something to discuss.  Check the website for assignments, quizzes, extra resources, and other information is available there as well.

Español III – LSE

-The only differences are

  • phone calls to LSE – (402) 436-1304
  • speaking points: 10 per week at level 3
  • attendance/academic policies are according to Southeast guidelines.
  • Use of 5 homework passes