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Español I – 9.4.13

Worked more with the vocab.

Worked with subject pronouns and beginning to match them with their counterparts of SER.

Discussed the “noticias”assignment.


You are becoming a reporter for the class – and you are charged with finding out what real people do in Spanish-speaking countries.  You will report one event to the class this semester.  This assignment is SUMMATIVE.


-discuss event that occurred within the 5 days of your due date.  (May not repeat what someone else reports.)

-News Source (CNN, BBC, internet site, radio station, etc.)

-The date you viewed/heard the news. Country (and the region, state, or city if applicable) of the report.

-4-8 sentences that COMPLETELY answer the 5 W’s: who, what, when, where, why

-Present to class.  (May read information off)

HOMEWORK – Study the left column of vocab and the subject pronouns.

Posted in Español I.