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Why is it important to learn another language?

  • Learning other languages is a process that opens up another world of perspectives.  Language and culture are inseparably entwined – one affects and alters the other and vice versa – therefore learning another language inevitably brings about new and differing concepts.  In a world that is more and more globally connected, access to new ideas and perspectives is extremely beneficial towards the development of an informed and productive citizen.
  • There is a lot of research being done concerning the healthy side-affects that language learning has on the brain.  Because the skills required for said development stimulate new neuron growth, many scientists now believe that this is a great way to help prevent and combat brain deterioration.

Why does Señora Sánchez-Carrillo talk in Spanish soooo much?

  • It is vital that you are exposed to the language as much as possible, so using as many of the class’s 50 minutes to read, listen, write, and speak Spanish is beneficial to your learning process.  Just as babies, toddlers, and young children are surrounded by various sources – like the radio, family, TV, other kids and adults, etc – you and your fellow students need to have multiple opportunities to soak up the language.
  • It isn’t necessary that you understand EVERY single word, even if it makes you a little uncomfortable at times.  Listen for content words, if you trust yourself, you will begin to understand a little more each day.
  • Remember, this is a non-linear PROCESS.  You will not be speaking perfectly after 1 year.  Work to succeed and understand each level; this will provide the more complex skills a sturdy foundations, critical to language learning.

Do I need to study?

  • YES!!  You absolutely need to study.  Your brain needs as much contact with the language as possible.  The muscles of your mouth need to practice the correct formation of vowels and consonants.  Success truly depends on the amount of quality time you have spent reviewing the material.  (In other words, don’t have facebook, twitter, your cell phone, the TV, and whatever else on at the same time as you studying.)

I was absent, what do I do?

  • Check the “Cuando no estabas” folder (near the window – LSE; on the back table – Irv).  Each day has a different color and is marked.  Your materials will be clipped together and labeled with your name.
  • Ask a classmate about what you missed.
  • Check this very website under the tab “TAREA” for directions and a review about what was covered.
  • IF you are still unclear, ask Señora S. about what occurred.

I’m not very good at learning a foreign language, so…?

  • Everyone has the capacity to learn a new language.  It takes a positive attitude and lots of practice.  (talk to Señora Sánchez more about this if necessary)

How do I improve my performance in class?

Other questions, just contact Señora Sánchez-Carrillo, and she will be happy to chat with you.