Welcome to Irving Middle School

Everyone needs to have a great summer. Coming back, fresh, renewed and I am looking forward to working with a new group of students. With the change in counselors, the former sixth grade counselors, moved to TCA. Once in high school, you could possibly renew your connection by attending TCA your junior or senior years.

One of the best parts of being the seventh grade counselor is working with seventh graders. It renews my enthusiasm because you bring that energy with you!

Early on, I will be in health and LACA classes to I have a Climate Survey, revisit awards, GPA, and do a little forecasting. That’s correct, forecasting. I want to share some ideas about topics, but I also want to get your input about topics that interest you or would be helpful to you. One example could be, Social Media. I will find time to be in LACA classes to talk about careers. It is always a highlight for me during seventh grade.

Shall we do lunch? Yes, let’s. Everyone has to eat and I promise to respect your time to get some fresh air or have some hang time with friends. All I am asking is for fifteen minutes at lunchtime. Believe me, I can talk fast and listen even faster. Should you need something during the first days of school, feel free to go to “My classroom” and use the class code, YQNMUNS. It should work in capital letters or lower case letters. Complete the “Request to see my counselor, Mrs. Krien”.

Don’t forget! Students first day back is Monday, August 12th. You will meet at Door #2. School starts 7:52, maybe a pinch earlier because it’s the first day. I look forward to working alongside you and cheering on your successes. Class schedules are usually available on your StudentVue after the first of August. The “walk-through” is usually held the first full week in August.