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[James B. Karas Ph.D.]

Dr. Karas is an instrumental music teacher at Lefler Middle School in Lincoln, NE. His duties include teaching Band, Orchestra and Jazz Band. Dr. Karas earned his degrees from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Bridgeport (CT), Western Connecticut State University. He also attended the Hartt School of Music.

Prior to working at Lefler, Dr. Karas held a position as Visiting Scholar and Lecturer in the UNL School of Music. He taught Instrumental Methods courses and supervised student teachers and practicum students. As a secondary educator, his school experience includes time in the Marinette Public School System (Marinette, WI) and Stratford Public Schools (Stratford, CT).

He has been a clinician, specializing in music improvisation and creativity techniques, for summer band camps in Georgia and Nebraska, state conventions, colleges and school districts throughout Nebraska, Wisconsin, and Connecticut, as well as the MENC Convention in Kansas City and the Royal Corps of Engineers Band in Brompton, England.

2 Responses

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  1. James Karas says

    Videos have been posted

  2. hailey says

    r u going to post the vidoes of the concert

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