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October 25: Review day

Today we went over a bunch of questions and concepts from out Inside Earth curriculum.  Tomorrow is our CSA test.  50 questions worth 100 points, summative!  This will be the last thing we do in this text and we will hand in these books tomorrow.  We will get the chemistry curriculum started immediately afterward.  Study hard and good luck!

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October 24: Rock Cycle

Today we went through the rock cycle,, which is a new addition for our curriculum.  We did a quick worksheet along with an interactive website I found.  Easy stuff and the kids should not have a problem with it.  We also tried to finish up some of Supervolcano, but we ran out of time.  We won’t be watching any more of it in class since we have to review for the CSA tomorrow before we take it on Wednesday.

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October 21: Rock cycle and more Supervolcano!

Today we went over how volcanic eruptions occur and what the different types are, as well as their effects.  Then we started a a section on the rock cycle which is the last of this text.  There is homework attached to some reading over the weekend and we watched another section of Supervolcano.  Next week we hand in our textbooks and move onto chemistry.

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October 20th: Pyramid Artwork and more Supervolcano.

Today we went over the concept map that was handed out yesterday.  Then we started on a pyramid foldable for the three types of volcanoes (shield, cinder cone and composite) we need to know for the big CSA test next week.  While we worked we watched a few more segments of Supervolcano!  The pyramid is due tomorrow and it’s homework if  didn’t get it done in class.

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October 19th: More Supervolcano and some homework!

We watched a little of the Supervolcano video, which the kids love so far, and we created our own virtual volcanoes in an interactive online site.  Tomorrow I’ll have them recreate some information in a foldable exercise and continue with the movie as well.  We have lots to do and little time to do it in!

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October 18: Chinese speaker and Volcanoes!

Today we co-opted with Mrs. Sypal in 1st period and listened to a speaker on Chinese culture.  Once we got back into my class, we started in on volcanoes.  We will be hitting the curriculum fast and hard this week to stay caught up, and we’ll be aiming to take the CSA test early next week before we get into chemistry.

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Today we had our first annual SEISMIC EVENT!  The kids were asked to build an earthquake safe house and test it’s strength against three vicious earthquakes on Benson Plateau.  Some structures survived and some did not.  Most of the houses were simply built while some had lawns, furniture, working lights, pet, trees and colors across the spectrum.  I gave them a list of materials to use and specific instructions which were followed for the most part.  It’s interesting to see the kids interpret rules to gain every advantage.  No homework over the break but next we we hit it hard.

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October 13th: Earthquake Speed Lab and behavior talk!

I had a major problem with the behaviors in second period.  The kids we out of control, so I had to stop and reiterate my expectations for them.  They love to talk and I love to hear their ideas,, but they lack a certain amount of self control.  It will be something we will constantly revisit.

Today we worked on interpreting data on a Earthquake speed lab and I was able to identify any missing work  for those who need to finish stuff.  Only a few got the lab done in class and it’s homework if they didn’t finish.

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October 12: : Last Prezi work day and homework.

We reworked our lab exercise from yesterday in class, read an article on an earthquake zone in Chile and then went to the computer lab to finish up our Prezis.  Today was the last day the kids will work on them in school for this section of the book.  Next week we will have our big CSA test over the Inside Earth material.  I hope to be done with earthquakes, volcanoes and the rock cycle quickly.  There is homework int he form of a guided reading for tonight.

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October 11: Powerpoint and lab activity

Today we worked through a Powerpoint on earthquakes and attempted to finish a lab on how to find the epicenter.  It was much more difficult than I had planned, so I’ll have to go over it again on Thursday.  Tomorrow we go to the computer lab for the last time to work on our Prezi projects.

DO NOT FORGET!  We have a seismic event scheduled for Friday and your earthquake safe houses should be built and ready to go.

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