School Climate Survey Data

All students in 2nd through 5th grade responded to 11 statements about our school climate. Here is the data:

Grade Level Breakdown

The data is very positive overall. Some of the most positive data is the percentage of students who responded to “My school wants me to do well” as either “Always” 78% or “Often” 13%. Also positive, were the results to “My school has clear rules for behavior”. 74% answered “Always” and 13% answered “Often”. 61% of students responded teacher always treated them with respect, and another said 21% said their teachers often treated them with respect. 68% of students responded there is always an adult at my school who will help them if they need it, and another 19% answered often to the same question.

Overall, the results are very positive regarding our school overall and the adults at our school. The areas to continue to focus on are the interactions between students.